Here's to Strong Women #iwd2018

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For #internationalwomensday, here's a high five and a hug for all of the amazing and wonderful women in my life:

My mother, who raised me to be smart, fearless, and resilient. Those traits served me well through some of the toughest points in my life.

My sister, whose loyalty rivals that of the most faithful friend. She has always been the best sister and stellar role model.

A friend from Pakistan, who is raising three kind and sweet boys with her husband, also from Pakistan. They are Muslim and I am proud to have them as friends.

A friend who was blindsided after 17 years of marriage when her husband left her for their nanny. On their daughter's birthday. And she is fierce and brilliant and now thriving.

All of the female writers I know, who work so hard to put words together in meaningful ways to make you think, or laugh, or chance minds.

The mom from my hometown who raised a transgender child to adulthood and is doing a spectacular job of letting her son be who he is with enough love to fill the world.

The stunningly beautiful mom with a son on my son's baseball team who was pregnant with their third child when her husband left her and found the courage to remarry; her son now calls HIM dad and they are incredibly happy.

All of the women who support me, inspire me, love me, and elevate me to be better. And those I don't know yet; I see you. I applaud you. I celebrate every one of you.

[I loved this graphic, Mom 2.0 Summit!]

Kristin Shaw